Sen Gupta vintage sitars
Kharaj pancham ~ Ravi Shankar style
7 main strings ~ 13 sympathetics
~ natural top gourd and detailed penwork.
What do you do when you are offered two
older sitars from a great maker? Automatic "yes".
Older vintage sitars are often sought out by
professionals as they have a broken in sound and
great response. These came from a player in Kolkata
who hardly played and was more of a collector so still
waiting for your break in. Have a nice tone as good
aged wood will always offer. And from one of the
leading makers in India you can't go wrong as it was
built correctly from the very beginning!
Both instruments have been completely
refinished with brand new antler jawari. All work
was done by Jayanta SenGupta himself. They're the
best vintage instruments we've ever had come through
here as they are basically like new. These 2 only in
20 years old with blue label. Has a half closed
jawari. Full decoration on penwork, tabli carvings,
and neck with half
decoration on the gulu. Antler bridges and tar gahan/meru.
Approx. 13 1/2 inch tabli. Modern style grommets (phulia). Natural top gourd,
comes with fiberglass case for the sitar and a
separate fiberglass case for top gourd. Pictures of
exact sitar
below here. Great sitar for a Nikhil
Banerjee, Balaram Pathak style/sound of playing.
shipping includes Fiberglass cases
12 years old with black label. Has a
half open jawari. Full decoration on penwork, tabli
carvings, and neck with half decoration on the gulu. Antler bridges
and tar gahan/meru. Approx 13 3/4 inch tabli. Modern style grommets (phulia).
Natural top gourd, comes with fiberglass case for
the sitar and a separate fiberglass case for top
gourd. Pictures of exact sitar
below here. Great for
a more Nikhil Banerjee type sound, has a nice sustain, more of an Indrajit Banerjee type of sound.
Comes with a fitted extra resin bridge.
shipping includes Fiberglass cases SOLD!!!
year old SenGupta sitar
year old SenGupta sitar
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