Naeem Sitarmaker Custom Mahogany
Concert Sitar
Shankar style
This is now an
archive page: Unfortunately I've had to discontinue
carrying instruments from Naeem Sitarmaker. Left
here for your viewing, if you see a design you like
it's easily made by one of our newer makers, just
let me know!
Designed by us with Naeem last summer, its
finally arrived. Combines the design elements of the
Custom studio-electric sitar
in a traditional construction with
matching inlay in the top tumba
7 main strings and 13 sympathetics with natural
material bridges featuring a 3/4 open jawari in the
style of Pandit Ravi Shankar. Aged mahogany (tun)
wood, inlaid pegs and a 14 inch tabli set on a
deep Pandharpur gourd give this instrument a deep
open sound and is easy to play and comfortable to
This sitar has been
air shipped (as are all of our instruments) to
preserve its quality.
Discontinued, similar models available if
desired from one of our new makers.
for availability
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